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Soma Movement

Integrated Health and Healing for Embodied Living

Mindful movement goes beyond fitness, enhancing mental health and fostering a deeper, kinder relationship with your body. Your journey of physical well-being, mental health experiences, and spiritual self-discovery is unique and deeply personal. I am here to provide guidance and support through body-based practices designed to help you feel grounded, empowered and connected to your self.


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On Demand

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1-1 Sessions

Need something personalized? Learn more about private sessions.


SOMA YOGA - livestream

Soma Yoga, with its unique blend of somatic practices, developmental patterns, embodied anatomy, and yogic philosophy, serves as a profound vehicle for deepening our relationship with ourselves. Through the exploration of yoga asanas, participants embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, learning to inhabit their bodies with greater presence and compassion. As we delve into somatic practices and embodied anatomy, we gain a deeper understanding of the intricate workings of our physical form, fostering a sense of reverence and gratitude for the miraculous vessel that carries us through life. Simultaneously, the wisdom of yogic philosophy guides us towards inner peace and harmony, reminding us of our inherent connection to the universe and all its inhabitants. Soma Yoga serves offers a holistic approach to healing and transformation that integrates the body, mind, and spirit bringing greater peace, balance, and wholeness.

Wednesdays 6-7pm EST. Subscription available.

SOMA BARRE-livestream

Discover the art of mindful movement with Soma Barre, a transformative barre class that aims to leave you not just invigorated but empowered from the inside out. Somatics and embodied fitness converge, offering a joyful movement experience that provides unique opportunities to deepen your connection with your body. . Begin on the floor with grounding and centering somatic practices, exploring foundational movement patterns and your relationship with gravity. This initial connection not only alleviates stress and tension, it serves as an essential experience for standing movement practices. Developmentally our body awareness, coordination, and balance are nurtured from the ground up. The standing barre work cultivates strong, adaptable feet and hips—a key to efficient, easeful movement and healthy aging. Soma Barre takes you on an exploration through all body systems, fostering a deeper understanding of the innate intelligence of your body and the interconnected relationships within. Step outside the conventional and join us at Soma Barre for a holistic movement experience at the barre. 

Mondays 9-10am EST. Subscription available.

SOMA Pilates-on Demand

Soma Pilates, is a Pilates mat based class that invites you to slow down and deepen your body awareness.  Get rid of tension and stress as you increase strength and mobility.



From my first creative movement class at age four to my career as a professional dancer, my journey has revolved around exploring the power of movement. Today, combining my background in behavioral health services with movement education, I use diverse modalities to guide others on their path to self-discovery and healing. Currently, I'm pursuing a Masters of Social Work  to further my education in behavioral health and the intersection between social justice and the body. I am passionate about sharing explorations of the embodied ways of knowing and the lived experiences of our bodies.

I provide a supportive and nurturing space for individuals to explore, integrate, and empower their unique relationship with their body, mind and spirit, allowing people to find ease and joy within this transformative journey.

xo Allie

Registered Somatic Movement Educator & Therapist (RSME/T)
Nationally Certiifed Pilates Teacher (NCPT)
500 Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT)


Really loved your classes, Allie! Very inspiring for exploring and discovering our ways of moving and what moves us - the spaces in, out, and around us. Could literally spend hours in this self-discovery movement journey.

Sometimes, this is exactly what the body needs; a gentle whisper to help it move and be comfortable within itself

I really liked what you said: there are interesting things in small things. That can be very reassuring for folk who can’t move big but also a reminder to be respectful to the whole movement and fully embrace it, no matter the limitations.

These classes make me inspired to playfully, curiously look into my movement preferences and also risk other choices and places rarely visited in my body.

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